
Film and Video Festival at Echo Park Film Center

Two of my video works are going to be shown at this show.
"Akai-ito @ Playa del Ray", and "Eating. -at home-"
I hope you can come and see my works.
I will be there, so please feel free to talk to me.
(And I am terribly sorry to all of my friends for not having free admission tickets for you...)

The Los Angeles Art Association
in association with the Echo Park Film Center presents:
Film & Video 825’s

“2nd Annual Student Film & Video Festival”

Thursday, July 13, 2006, 8pm

at Echo Park Film Center
1200 N. Alvarado Street (@ Sunset Blvd), Los Angeles, CA 90026
$5 general admission

Film & Video 825 is pleased to present the very best in international student video art. The artists selected this year comprise students from the 8th grade through the MFA level.

The festival will include the work of:

Tarik Abdel-Gawad, UC Santa Barbara
Manasi Ashish, Otis College of Art and Design
Jesse Bellon, York University, Ontario, Canada
David Callaghan, CSU Northridge
Alexis Disselkoen, UCLA
Brittany Lynne Jones, Loyola Marymount University
Jeffrey Magenheimer, LA City College
Hisashi Murakami, CSU Northridge
Dustin Patar, Howe Sound Secondary School, British Columbia, Canada
Mika Soma, Otis College of Art and Design
Alexandra Wetzel, USC

Film & Video 825 is a bi-monthly event or screening of local, national and internationally recognized video artists’ work, curated by LAAA/Gallery 825 and members of the arts community. It is the ongoing mission of Film & Video 825 to support and provide a forum for presenting in Los Angeles, bold, contemporary works that are outside the mainstream of narrative cinema. Our curatorial vision is open to both shorts and features in experimental, performance, animation, and documentary forms.
For more information on Film & Video 825 or LAAA/Gallery 825, please visit our website at www.laaa.org.


Back In Japan

I am currently in my home town, Ashikaga, Japan.
I will be sampling my favorite ambient sound here on Mini Discs, and videotaping whatever I feel like.
I am thinking of collecting sounds and footage from both Japan and Los Angeles in order to generate works that intergrades those two places that I consider as my "home".
By using the material I will have, I am thinking of a video work, a projection installation with sound, audio installation, photo collages, and some paintings possibly. (Not as a whole projetct. They are all separate projects at this point.)